And don’t forget the Spud wants to lower supervision ratios to 1:50.
And don’t forget the Spud wants to lower supervision ratios to 1:50.
Still not a good enough reasons to use Starlink.
We should be investing in making sure all Voting Locations have proper telecommunication infrastructure.
Most voting locations are schools and most schools are connected to the NBN.
Substitute “Transmit” for “Corrupt”
I’m not looking forward to the day when we see columns of Bob Semple Tanks crossing the Ditch.
Unless you get a vintage one with a wooden handle, most have a rubberised or plastic handle.
I love how The Age put their article about Palmer trying to buy the election with ads right above one of his ads.
The Yellow Shit Stain party is trying to be Orange.
NextCloud looks like the go.
It appears that running it on my Synology is a bit of a hack so I just need to decide whether to go for a dedicated mini NAS or to find a host.
These People consider Government getting in their way. They want a Feudal Anarchy where the rich and powerful can dominate and dictate over the poor.
The problem is that Government regulation of Polluters and Environmental protection and oversight is getting mixed up with restricting public citizens.
For instance, not being able to go 4WDing in State Forests causes people to become radicalised and susceptible to Corporate manipulation. The next thing you know, you have Outdoors enthusiasts voting for clear-felling of National Parks.
They were manufactured in China.
The best things to boycott are Services. If everyone cancels their Netflix, Amazon Prime, AppleTV/Music and YouTube Premium for an extended period it would definitely send a message.
I’m currently looking at an alternative to iCloud Drive for my family’s backups. The Apple One Family subscription is still the most cost-effective solution for backing up everyone’s Phones and iPads, but a Roll-Your-Own solution is on my project sheet, especially after what happens in the UK!
Frollows fired Tony Biggs after he played NWA on air.
He is immortalised in the song “Arnold Frollows is a Genius” by Front End Loader, which was a sarcastic criticism of him.
Because the ABC and BOM have experts who are also enthusiasts.
As much fun it is to criticise the BOM when it is 34 degrees and rainy when they said it would be 33 and sunny, they are still the most accurate source of weather information.
The ABC (and independent public radio/TV) only interest is (should be) serving their communities. The ABC does have to satisfy their political and corporate overlords (look at what Arnold Frollows did to JJJ) but is a more reliable source of reality-based news and information.
When the ABC (and RRR/PBS/MBS/etc) stuff up and get to “corporate”, they loose supporters. Think of what happened when Sportsgirl tried to become a RRR sponsor…
A lot of people thought that the actions of other Right-Wing governments performed were electoral suicide.
Next thing you know, they are in power.
UKIP/Tories, Trump 1.0, Trump 2.0.
The pundits said that none of them would get in. Next minute, Brexit happens, Trump 1.0 happens and then against all logic, Trump gets voted in a second time.
I love to bash Meta, but this is purely a problem for two reasons;
A) /a certain demographic/ only get their News from one source. This is the same problem regardless of where you get your News from.
B) News feeds and filtering is automated. There are no human editors; it is all algorithmic. Simple user-defined algorithms are OK, but the more they get modified by Fake Understanding, the less useful they become.
Did it derail the chain?
Mainly due to the density of the population.
The Australian population is quite sparse, mainly because we never got our Multifunction Polis.
From the article; “It found nuclear power would be far more expensive than the projected path of shifting to mostly renewable energy. “
Anyone who believes the LNP that Nuclear is an economic option must be brain dead.
Anyone who believes the LNP at all must be brain dead.
It is interesting to compare JPosts Zionist propaganda interpretation of this to The Conversation and ABCs rational and balanced reporting on the issue.
Those sort of exclusivity deals should be made illegal.
Unfortunately, a Duopsony is just as destructive to the market as a Duopoly.