While a large part of the population is mislead about capitalism or benefitting from the system themselves, I think you’ll find your sentiments are shared by many. Especially here on Lemmy.
This system sucks.
But yeah, our media is so fully captured by corporate interests that any proposal tooooo socialist is promptly demonised.
Oh those profits from our minerals? Nahhhh the foreign companies deserve that. Can’t have a mining tax.
Breaking up monopolies? Nahhhh that’s practically communism (despite competition being part of capitalism’s rhetoric)
Big sad :(
At least Trump will likely secure us another term without an LNP majority government hehe
Even under our current capitalist model, I think there are practically no benefits for privatisation of necessities. (Management of each being equal, that is. People pointing to “government inefficiency” are naive to think there aren’t just as many private orgs who run very inefficiently.)
What’s the point of having energy transmission private? I can’t well plug in a different network. I’m stuck with one, and then have to do a stupid dance with the retailers who “compete”.
What’s the point of having the airport be privately owned? It’s not like we have much of a choice of which airport to fly out of.
What’s the point of paying private schools with government money? That’s just money that could have been spent on public schools.
All of which we have to pay cost + profit. Instead of just cost.
The list goes on.
Privatisation is stupid.