Other questions include whether science organisation receives funding from China and whether it is a climate or ‘environmental justice’ project
Might be time to go full DILLIGAF
Hello Trump administration, are you taking appropriate measures to fuck off and mind your own business?
hopefully those bodies are treating such a questionnaire with the respect it deserves
Flag as spam and completely ignore them.
What the actual fuck is happening
So like universities and scientific organisations have to fall in line with whatever odd ideas this guy thinks up to go after, or they lose the funding for research?
I really don’t like this direction. This is an unreasonable amount of control and a dangerous precedence to set
They’re using this tactic to get us used to them being in control of our nation.
This time next year we will be part of America or part of the fight against it
Pretty clear choice for me. US administration are downright scum. I’d sooner we take our chances in a fragile geopolitical position than ever dance to their tune.
Start strengthening EU alliances. If we’re going to play politics of convenience that’s better done with China. They might be capable of things that shock us, but they also seem to value and respond to sensible economic exchange. It’s becoming rapidly apparent that the US are more about Russian style domination - you can’t even bargain with that.
Ugh. Both options suck.
I don’t want to be part of the mango madness and also recognise that we could be in a bad position to fight back
It might be about time to leverage the “Commonwealth of Nations” into a formal military pact.
Then the USA would be up against not one, not two, but THREE countries with nuclear weapons.
The entire world needs to treat American investment as a potential threat/exploitable weakness, and have a Plan B ready.
I’m only half joking: why not just lie?
you don’t even need to lie about taking appropriate measures, because that’s just down to personal definition
On second thoughts, thats dumb and probably fraud. why not tell tthe truth?
“China gave me funding and I’m gay”
“Oh you never said your funding was contingent on this”
Even though this is batshit insane, based on everything we’ve seen it’s reasonable to assume that the yanks will pull the funding regardless of whether the orgs accede to any of this bullshit. Of course, some of them don’t need any overseas encouragement to pull authoritarian shit.
Just waiting for them to declare the PBS is socialism and withdraw all medical research funding.
I hope the answer was fuck off.
The Chaser and the NotTheChaser timestreams have gotten mixed up again
Yeah so we need to increase the rent on pine gap because they are our trade deficit.
Just for four years or more.
You do realise they are planning on not having elections again, right?
Or more ;)
Last time we thought about taking Pine Gap back the CIA installed a new PM…might want to tread carefully there. The US has always taken a dim view of their vassals thinking for themselves
That was back before the crazed monkeys took over the helm tho.
So you think the crazy monkeys will react less viciously then they did back when they were just sane but nasty ?
Press X to doubt
No, i think they’re gonna be a lot stupider about it
this is legitimately a good suggestion. America is free to pull funding , as dirty as it is. but we are also free to require extra rental income to properly fund our programs. if they don’t like it they can fuck off
Cancel pine gap and all intel sharing, cancel subs, cancel F35’s, join NATO.
Funniest possible response would be to send honest responses exclusively expressed in Australian slang.
“Is your organisation a climate or environmental justice project?”
“Yeah nah. We’re not here to fuck spiders. Rollin’ up the sleeves an givin’ it a red-hot crack!”
It’s not enough for them to ruin our country with this shit, they have to try to ruin others?
Yeah, bugger off with that, mate!
Titlegore but yeah I would hope that landed straight in the bin to be honest
Does your organization encourage free speech and encourage open debate and free sharing of information? [yes/no]1. If yes, please describe.
“If you are not encuraging free speech, thats ok, but if you do, please elaborate”