The country is breaking apart but I guess is more important to avoid using feminine expressions on official papers that make us look homo or something
Meanwhile on the economic side:
If he was actually “libertario liberal” like he keeps saying, he’d allow people to use whatever type of language they want.
I guess he’s not an anarcho capitalist, but a fucking conservative slimesack and all round crazy person wielding a chainsaw and talking to dogs for political advice (NB : what I just said can be fact checked and verified, and is not a joke)
a fucking conservative slimesack
Yes, that is exactly what ancaps and libertarians turns out to be when in any power. It’s an Actually Existing Libertarianism.
Eh. Politically viable libertarians make a shitload of concessions to reach that viability. Dude’s views on women’s rights would make most Libertarians/ancaps I know refuse to vote for him.
If only they could make the compromises on their views on economic liberty instead of personal freedoms